Anna and the Dead – SYNOPSIS:
When her parents decide to separate, sixteen year old Anna Brooks is sent to spend the summer in a small coastal town with her old fashioned aunt and uncle, Jennifer and David Collingwood. Anna is narcoleptic and suffers traumatic hallucinations as side effects to her medication. Whilst living in small town suburbia several bizarre incidents take place which lead Anna to question her own sanity. Is it really all in her head or is something more sinister going on in the small sleepy town?
Written by VHS

“Anna and the Dead” is a psychological horror film by Peter Goddard. The story follows 16-year-old Anna, who is not having a very good time. She has narcolepsy, her parents are getting divorced, and now she must stay with her creepy aunt and uncle who live in a small village. The village of course has a secret adding more intrigue and complication to Anna’s life. Did I mention that she keeps seeing dead people? There isn’t a lot I can say about the plot as I don’t want to give any of it away. Yeah, it’s one of those flicks.
If you like movies with a twist, you’ll like this one. It is full of twists and turns that will keep you guessing the whole way through. The backdrop is absolutely stunning in this film. Filmed on location in the UK you get a lot of green, beaches, and beautiful buildings. Maybe it’s just because I am in Arizona that these things stand out to me, but I always appreciate them.
Rent this movie if you like:
Psychological Horror – movies with a twist – ghost movies